Love is so beautiful when we get out of our own way.. your experience is felt, your moment recieved and honored and I love how your name was given… what a beautiful moment…

This line is so valuable and I love even in confusion or trying to find a solution , the solution is just this simple…. Then, he said, “Do whatever makes you happy.”

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Thank you so much, Kerri. I apologize for taking so long to respond to you; I have been preparing for a retreat with Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup author) and Steve Harrison and have not been so attentive here. But I really appreciate your 'Leaning in" here and embracing my words. Thank you, thank you.

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What a beautiful process and no hurry here, I’m not here often right now either, summer is busy.. happy preparations for your amazing retreat with beautiful souls.. hugs!

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I was asked a question yesterday: “What can you not, not do? Everyday? With your life?

My answer was that I cannot not love on my kids every day - telling them I love them. Listening to them tell the same stories, Encouraging them when they are down. I simply can’t not express my love to them everyday.

I cannot not Love YOU as well.

When I think about it at an even higher level: I cannot, not LOVE.

Loving you Amba.

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Thank you, James. Yes. I love that. "I cannot not LOVE."

Love is Who we are Are.

I have a Beatles song starting to float through me now....."Love is all there is..."

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May 24·edited May 24

Beautifully written, Amba. Learning to see the Divine in ourselves, in each other, and in all things is living in the flow of Spirit and love. Thank you for your beautiful expression of this truth.

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You are an inspiration, DW.

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Thank you, DW. I love how you just expressed it. As you know, I am writing a book. i got inspired by what you said. Perhaps the title of the book is The Gift of Listening: Living in the flow of Spirit and Love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Amba, such a beautiful essay. A source document as you would say. I’ve read it five times now and each time it speaks to me differently, fully. Thank you for your commitment to others and to the world through always bearing a teacher. 🧑‍🏫

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Thank you, James. That means so much to me. Truly.

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