Amba, as Rich said, I didn’t know the full story, or the powerful intentionality you and Don grew into and summoned for this journey.

When paired with you last essay, they serve as a source document for leading and living one’s life.

And your conversational writing in this essay was a beautiful way for you as the writer, and you and Don as subjects, to engage the reader. Bravo.

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For as long as I have worked with and loved you and Don, I never knew the whole story of Don's cancer journey. Thank you, what a gift. Indeed, you both stand and live for Possibility.

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I can only imagine the depth of faith you now carry after having been profoundly and deeply challenged to keep looking for it in the ash of your repeatedly dashed hopes. Having never been through anything that challenging I'm sure I don't appreciate the full depth of it. That's the thing, we can talk all we want about faith and transformation but it isn't until you are faced with the reality of annihilation that you get how far beyond eloquent dharma this all goes. Transformation is not fucking around. It plays hard ball. I'm also aware that you'd built up a matrix of previous practice that gave both of you the strength and grounding to rise to this occasion. It's too late to wait until something like this hits your plate and then think you'll just find it within you to meet it the way you did. A practitioner practices in the good times like their hair is on fire, because eventually it will be.

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Yes. You have hit the spiritual nail on its proverbial head.

As you say, "Transformation plays hardball," and opportunities are countless. Life is always there for us, testing us and inviting us to move from asleep to awake. My husband and I, as I have said, have been on a "steep learning curve" for years and years and years—about forty of them, exploring, diving into, receiving, teaching, and giving openings from many paths.

I deeply, deeply appreciate your appreciation for our inhabitation of the Work.

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