
I am so thrilled, Jo. One of my intentions with these postings is for people to be inspired to write themselves. I write each morning first thing. Before I read my email, or sit down at my desk, or even drink my "green drink." Before I do anything else. Writing hooks us up with our own inner wisdom, our inner guide or guides. That morning practice opens me into my day.

I have a friend, Cheryl Eckl, an award - winning author, who has written a "Wise Inner Counselor" series -- her books provide openings for people to connect in that way. And I also just bought another book, "Living the Artist's Way," by Julia Cameron, which is another opening. And, my own book, "Crossing Thresholds, Island Reflections," as YOU know, was virtually written by my Muse, who awoke when I needed to create a threshold crossing for myself. As I was on a remote island in Lake Superior at the time, Nature itself became the guiding light, as my Muse fed me poetry each day (and night) to guide me across my threshold.

So, YES! Journaling can provide us with light to see with -- much needed light in these dark times. And that you started today when you have not written in a couple of years, is HUGE. I invite you, with all my heart, to establish a practice.

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Thank you, James. It was quite a moment. There were many such moments, with others, as well, in those four days.

And, yes, I was very grateful to Tresa for saying "yes" to my request.

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“Reached out, beyond yourself, each time, and found that you were still loved.”

It all touched me so much, this line in particular stopped me.

To truly be you and feel and share and still be loved has always been an interesting journey for me.

Thank you for sharing !

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She said, “I realized that I am already loved. I don’t need the approval of others when I am already loved.”

Tresa, I want to thank you for allowing Amba to share your story with the world. And I want to acknowledge the most fabulous work you did with yourself in the Joy of Being course. You indeed are already loved. And others will begin to discover that for themselves as a result of your contribution.

Amba - your wonderful prose (and pictures) does justice to Tresa's incredible breakthrough. ❤

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Wow....what a fabulous 'sharing'! Thanks Amba - totally inspired me this morning to sit and journal....I haven't had that in a couple years....

Love you,


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